Saturday 25 July 2015

Smart Tips to Sterilize Contact Lenses

In order to avoid getting eye infections, it is very important for you to sterilize your contact lenses properly before wearing. Basically, there are available two types of contact lens which are soft contact lenses and hard contact lenses. One of the types might be used for once only, while another type can be reused for varying lengths of times like week or month. The disinfection solution is specifically designed to sterilize the contact lenses. Also, some of disinfection solutions are proposed to clean lenses overnight while the others can be used for sterilizing the lenses in a matter of minutes.


Firstly, you should read the instruction label of disinfecting solution. By using some cleaning solutions, you have to wait for at least six hours before you are going to put the lenses onto your eyes. In order to immediately insert the lens after cleaning, you need to look for a multipurpose disinfecting solution which does not require that you wait for six hours.

Secondly, you need to wash your hands using hot water and soap before you are going to handle the contact lenses.

Thirdly, the contact lens in the palm should be placed in the palm of your hand and then spray with the multipurpose disinfecting solution. Based on the instructions from your doctor about your specific contacts, it may be instructed for you to rub the contacts gently as you apply the solution.

Fourthly, you need to rinse the each side of your contact lens in the solution. You can do it at least five seconds for each side. Actually, it depends on the brand of the multipurpose disinfecting solution you want to use.


Firstly, you have to read the instruction label of disinfecting solution in order to make sure that you are certainly using the correct solution. This is typically a "no rub" disinfectant and if you apply it to the lens you cannot put your contact lens onto the eye for at least six hours.

Secondly, you need to wash your hands using hot water and soap before you are going to handle the contact lenses.

Thirdly, you need to place your contact lenses into the special container which comes with heavy duty cleaner. It can be a small vile that comes with a screw-off lid and also an insert that can flip up with the concave holder for placing each contact.

Fourthly, you should pour the solution into the container, then filling to the fill line and affix the lid. You have to make sure that the solution should fizz.

Lastly, you need to wait for at least six hour before you put back the lens onto your eye.

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Caring for Dry Eye Syndrome

What it Is & How to Keep Eyes Comfortable

We've all experienced dry eyes. You go to a ball game on a hot, windy day. By the time you get home, your eyes feel raw. Or you attend a party where clouds of cigarette smoke hang over the guests. Maybe you wear your contact lenses for longer than you should, or sit at a computer for several hours without blinking often enough. The result: tired, dry eyes.

Anything in the environment that irritates eyes can cause temporary dryness. Not blinking often enough can also dry your eyes out. Whenever you're involved in a visually intense activity, such as reading, working on a computer, making crafts or sewing, you tend to blink less often. The fewer times you blink, the dryer your eyes become.

Each time we blink (automatically, about every 5 seconds) our efficient eye cleansing system takes over. Glands beneath the eyelids continually release tears. Then, like windshield wipers, the eyelids sweep the tears evenly across the eye surface. Dust and debris are cleaned away and eyes are kept comfortably moisturized.

To treat environmental causes of dryness, doctors recommend:

* Wearing wraparound sunglasses when outdoors to protect eyes from the wind.

* Taking breaks from reading or doing close work so eyes can re-moisturize.

* Adjusting your computer monitor so that it is just below eye level.

* Avoiding smoke-filled areas.

When Eyes Are Always Dry

For some people, dry eye is chronic. It's not caused by the environment, but by the eye's inability to produce enough tears. Sometimes dry eye results when the eyes produce poor-quality tears that evaporate too quickly. If the tear mixture of water, oil and mucus is not quite right, you may develop chronic dry eye.

Dry eye syndrome is a common problem. Nearly 5 million Americans age 50 and older are estimated to have dry eye, according to the National Eye Institute. Millions of additional people have mild symptoms.

Chronic dry eye syndrome can occur at any age, and in people who are otherwise healthy. It is most common, however, among those over age 40. We all produce fewer tears as we get older. Without enough tears to moisturize the eyes, they can become dry and easily irritated. Post-menopausal women are at the greatest risk because of their decreased hormone levels.

Others at risk include contact lens wearers and those who have had surgery on their eyes or eyelids. Dry eye may be caused by a disease. Or it may occur as a side effect of certain medications.

Most people with dry eye are uncomfortable, but have no vision loss or other complications. If left untreated, however, symptoms may worsen over time, resulting in eye inflammation, infection or damage.

Talk to Your Eye Care Provider

Make an appointment with your eye doctor if your eyes are dry even after the source of the irritation is gone. Tell him or her if you have any of these symptoms:

* Reduced ability to see well

* Stinging or burning sensation

* Feeling of dryness, grittiness or soreness

* Itching, redness or tearing

* Eye fatigue after reading for only a short period

* Sensitivity to light, smoke or wind

* Blurred or double vision

Your doctor will select a treatment based on the symptoms you describe and on special tear tests. For one test, a dye is placed in your eye to make the tears more visible. By viewing them under a special light, the doctor can detect whether a chemical imbalance is preventing tears from staying in the eye.

Your provider may also measure the speed at which your eyes produce tears by placing a paper wick on your eyelid to collect moisture.

Soothing Remedies

There are several ways to treat chronically dry eyes:

Artificial tears. Non-prescription eye drops are the most common treatment. If you have chronic dry eye, it is important to use the drops even when your eyes feel fine, to keep them lubricated. Be aware that eye drops promising to "get the red out" will not relieve dryness. If your eyes dry out while you sleep, you can use a thicker lubricant, such as an ointment, at night.

Prescription eye drops. A solution called Restasis soothes eyes and may help increase tear production.

Dietary supplements. Some doctors recommend that their dry eye patients take omega-3 nutritional supplements, which may change the chemical makeup of your tears. This helps if your tear mixture is not quite right, causing tears to evaporate too quickly.

Moisturizing insert. A small insert filled with a lubricating ingredient may be placed just inside the lower eyelid, where it provides relief from dryness all day.

Tear-duct plugs. To prevent tears from draining too soon from the eye, tiny temporary or permanent plugs can be fitted into the tear ducts.

Surgery. In rare cases, a problem with your eyelids may prevent them from spreading tears evenly across the eyes. Surgery may be required to correct the problem.

The most important way to keep your eyes healthy is to have them examined regularly by your eye care provider and communicate your symptoms and concerns. Don't take chances with your eye health!

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How to Stay Slim When Eating out.

I've received many questions from my users on how to get slim when they are eating out. Eating out doesn't mean you are at the complete mercy of what the restaurant serves you. You are still able to make healthy choices. Choices that don't sabotage your fat loss goals. If you are someone who eats out all the time and are struggling to lose weight. This post is for you.

Ever since women moved out of the kitchens and men moved off the farms, many people have developed the abomination of poor eating habits. Corporate workers like you and me are more concerned with a different place to eat each day than they are the quality or nutritional content of the food. It is nothing to be ashamed of; it's a common way of thinking in the hectic workday hustle and bustle.

No one learns how to reduce tummy fat until they change priorities enough to find the quickest way to lose weight. If your primary reason for living is to eat, then you will probably place a higher priority for eating over exercising to reduce tummy. This may be hard to accept, but it is true.

Even for the person who loves to eat, putting some effort to eat healthy and consume lower calorie foods will help in weight loss. We all must eat. Tests have shown that starvation is not the quickest way to lose weight because our bodies are able to adapt to the reduced calorie intake and this eventually leads to periods of binge eating when the fast is over.

Basically, we all know how to get slim; we just don't take action to do it. Some years back, it was much harder to find a restaurant that served food for the weight conscious. That is no longer so difficult, but it does require restraint and dedication on your part to the quickest way to lose weight.

Here are 7 easy to remember and effective tips that you can use to help you make healthy food choices that will bring you closer to your fat loss goals:

Begin every meal with garden salad (olive oil dressing) or a bowl of clear soup. This really helps to curb binge eating at the earlier part of the meal.

Ensure that your main course is protein and not carbohydrate dominant. (i.e: no pastas, fried rice or au gratin dishes). I once saw a couple finish off a sharing a big plate of fried rice and each already has their own bowl of white rice to accompany some meat dishes. They washed down that high carbohydrate meal with beer - another high carbohydrate beverage. Do not do this, ever!

Avoid dishes that are labelled "fried, crispy, au gratin, pan-fried, sautéed, buttered, creamed or stuffed. These are foods high in fat and calories. Instead, choose dishes that are steamed, boiled, baked, grilled, poached or roasted.

For beverage, choose water with a slice of lemon. If you have to drink, opt for a glass of red wine instead of beer.

Avoid the temptation to gorge yourself with the free flow of bread or chips. If it is ok with your dining partner(s), return the bread

If your meal comes with either whipped potato, baked potatoes, fries or white rice, request for it to be replaced with boiled vegetables or salad instead. Restaurants will usually accommodate.

Unless it is your cheat day - where you can eat anything you wish at reasonable amounts - you should choose healthy desserts. Yes there are such things as healthy desserts but they are hard to come by so make sure you take extra caution on this. Otherwise, all that restraint you've exercised during the earlier part of the meal will be wasted if you end off the meal with a creme brulee. Opt for a mixed fruit platter or low-fat yogurt. If everything on the dessert menu is either apple pie, cakes or ice cream, then just ask for a coffee/tea. It's better that way, trust me. If you succumb to temptation, you will regret it more after eating those sinful dessert.

Personally, I try to opt for Japanese cuisine when eating out. It's not hard to figure out why Japanese food is the healthier choice among all others considering Japan has the lowest obesity rate in the world.

While Japanese cuisine is not without it's sinful options, it is nonetheless, the "lesser of the evils" for fat loss when you compare with other cuisines such as Indian and Italian. Just consume the tempuras and tonkatsus in moderation. Also, easy on the soy sauce. Use just enough to give the sushi and sashimi some taste.

As long as you adopt the 7 tips above, it is possible to lose weight even when you are eating out. Eating right will not only make a difference in how you look, but how you feel as well.

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How to Lose Weight Fast

Everyone wants to know how to lose weight fast. We know the usual "watch your diet and exercise regularly" routine. But if it is as simple as that, then there wouldn't be so many fat people in this world!

Amidst all the lies and hype surrounding the weight loss industry, it can be hard to separate the hype and lies from the truth. That's why in today's article, I'm going to share with you 14 things you must do to lose weight fast. Following these 14 tips will help you to lose weight safely and stay lean all year-round.


How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #1: Stop eating only salads

This is a well-known habit especially among female office workers. You order a big salad with nothing but greens. Your colleagues see what you eat and applaud your efforts to lose weight. But before 2pm, you get hungry and start looking for cookies and chocolates to snack. How's that for one step forward and two steps back in your fat loss attempt? While there's nothing wrong with having salads for lunch, you should add some good clean protein such as eggs and chicken breasts and also good fats such as avocados or guacamole into your salads as well. Remember this: Every meal should have a protein element. These protein and fat make you feel more satisfied after the meal and will sustain your blood sugar levels for a longer period so you won't be looking for unhealthy snacks around the office right after lunch.

How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #2: Replace all the unhealthy snacks at home and in your office

Contrary to popular belief, snacking is actually productive for fat loss. Snacking on healthy snacks in between meals will help maintain a steady blood glucose level and also keep your metabolism elevated. Since people snack on convenience and the general availability of food around them, it is important to keep only healthy snacks such as dark chocolate, nuts, trail mixes, fruits or even beef jerky within easy reach. Throw all the others away. Or give them to a colleague you hate.

How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #3: Start a simple exercise routine

Every fat loss program needs to have an exercise component. It doesn't even have to an actual exercise like jogging or swimming. If you have never exercised before in your life, you can even start something as simple as brisk walking every day for 20 minutes and work up the intensity from there. The main objective is staying active and turning up your metabolism. As you get fitter (and you will), crank up the intensity and challenge your body to reach new heights of fitness.

How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #4: Stop the steady state jogging

If you have been jogging for some time and haven't seen any significant weight loss results, then it's time for you to move on to more challenging exercises. Jogging is a good exercise to build your cardiovascular endurance, but not the best for fat loss. To effective burn fat, you need a workout that elevates your heart rate to at least 80% of your maximum heart rate and burns the most number of calories in the shortest period of time. Full body exercises such as burpees, squats, deadlifts, shoulder presses and rows gives you the most bang for your time spent on exercising. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds with a 30 second break in between for 3 sets before moving onto the next. Do this for 10 - 15 minutes a day and you will see results beyond what you have experienced from months of jogging.

How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #5: Don't avoid carbohydrates completely

When carbs replaced fats as the main contributor of weight gain, many people are avoiding all known types of carbs completely. I personally have a colleague who shuns carbs like the plague. Let me set the record straight. Not all carbs are bad. Our bodies need carbs to function properly. Carbs are our bodies' main source of energy. In fact, our brain functions primarily on carbs. Depriving your body of carbs can have detrimental effects on your body. Every type food has its time and place to be consumed. As a general rule, you should only consume low glycemic carbs such as brown rice, dark leafy vegetables, multi-grain bread, oatmeal, etc. High glycemic foods such as bananas, juices, white rice, potatoes and other processed foods are best consumed only right after an intense exercise.

How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #6: Set realistic and measurable goals

A lot of people give up on a training or fat loss program after a week or so because they did not see the results they were expecting. First of all, you have to remember that you didn't get fat overnight. So you should not expect a miracle weight loss to happen as well. Setting realistic and measurable goals will help keep you motivated and continue towards your ultimate weight loss goal. So what considered as a realistic goal? Losing 0.5-1kg (1-2 lbs) a week is a realistic. Losing half an inch on your waist after two weeks is realistic. Of course, you have to be completely honest with yourself when you are accessing these goals. Ask yourself if you are really following the exercise program religiously? How many times did you cheat on your diet?

How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #7: Focus on building muscle

Some people may disagree with me that exercising and muscle-building is important for fat loss. To me, fat loss is all about changing our body composition - reducing the fat mass and increasing fat-free mass (muscles). Increasing fat-free mass will invariably contribute to the lowering of fat mass. For each pound of muscle your body has, you burn an extra 35-50 calories a day. Fat on the other hand burns only 2 calories per pound. So the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate will be. And contrary to popular belief, having more muscles is what will give your body those sexy curves that the opposite sex desires.

How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #8: Invest in a whey protein or meal replacement supplement

Having 3 meals a day with 3 snacks times in between is not always easy to prepare. That's why for convenience purposes, it's recommended that you purchase a good whey protein or meal replacement supplement. Just add water or milk and you have one serving of quality protein.

How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #9: Make small changes and stick with them for 21 days

Let's be honest with ourselves. Fat loss involves some behavioral and lifestyle change. Your current lifestyle got you to the state that you are now. Continuing down this path obviously is not the quickest way to lose weight. We all know behavioral change is the hardest thing. This is why we need to make little changes every day that is more acceptable to our bodies. For example, if you currently drink two cans of soda every day, cut down to one can a day. Then next week, cut down to one can every two days. You get the picture. And for any program that you decide to get started, stick with it for 21 days. Statistics have shown that any behavioral change takes 21 to accept and approximately 60 days to form into a habit. So no matter how much you hate a current diet or exercise program, persevere for 21 days. You will be glad you did.

How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #10: Surround yourself with like-minded people

Some people are very dependent on social support, while others not so much. If you belong to the former group, it is important that you factor this aspect of motivation especially when you are starting out on a fat loss program. During the initial 21 days, it is important to stay motivated and focused on the goals you have set for yourself. You are bound to encounter challenges and struggles as you go through the program. Such as days when your thighs are so sore after doing full body squats or even good news like when you succeed in losing an inch off your waist. If you have friends who are doing the fat loss program with you, great! Share your results and how you feel about the program with them. Talk to fitness professionals; join online communities or Facebook groups to share experiences and gain knowledge. Also, don't just focus on the fat loss part. Get into the whole health and fitness experience. Buy fitness magazines, visit fitness websites. Look at physiques you desire to achieve and set them as your desktop wallpaper. Do whatever you need to stay motivated.

How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #11: Train your legs

I'm not just talking about jogging here; I'm referring to doing heavy squats, lunges, deadlifts, etc. If you have ever done squats before, you will know that it is one of the most demanding exercises in the world. You pant and sweat like a dog as if you have sprinted a mile. But it is also one of the best exercises for building overall strength and of course burning calories. Leg exercises such as squats are usually compound exercises and as such burns more calories. Even if you are not doing weighted squats, just doing body weight squats alone can be just as challenging. To be honest, in my first 5 years of training, I never once trained my legs. I always thought the upper body is more important and doing squats could stunt your vertical growth. That is all a fallacy. Ever since I started doing squats, my strength went through the roof and my body fat levels have remained consistently low all year-round. Now I do squats at least once a week otherwise my workout is never complete. If you have never trained your legs before, trust me, start your workouts with squats and you will be amazed by the results you see. And yes, you can thank me later.

How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #12: Keep a meal diary

Many people don't realize how many calories they consume every day. You think you are eating less by skipping a meal here and there. But you never consider those sodas, grande Frappuccinos or those cookies distributed by your colleagues that you so casually put in your mouth during the day. If you take down everything (and I mean every single thing including those mentos) that you eat into a meal diary, you will be surprised how many calories you are taking. Yes, I know it's quite a pain to record down everything. But do yourself a favor and just do it for one day. It will be an absolute eye opener.

How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #13: Learn to love water

Perhaps the most overlooked causes of weight gain, the liquids you consume can deceptively pack on a ton of calories. Just a can of soda contains close to 150 calories. A grande mocha Frappuccino contains a whopping 420 calories. Drink a soda and a Frappuccino every day and you will gain a pound a week.

Because we can so easily and carelessly gulp down beverages without a second thought, liquid calories are more harmful. Fruit juices are no better. They all contain naturally occurring fruit sugar, fructose, which like all other sugars if consumed in excess will result in weight gain. One of the quickest ways to lose weight is to always choose water over all other beverages. Water has zero calories and is a natural source of hydration for our bodies. By simply replacing all your other sugary laden beverages with water, you will quickly be able to see weight loss results.

How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #14: Limit alcohol consumption

I know it is almost impossible to completely abstain from alcohol. But if your goal is to find the fastest way to lose weight, then you have to cut down on your happy hours. Alcohol is a toxic substance with absolutely no nutritional benefit whatsoever. What's more, each gram of alcohol contains 7 calories. A few glasses of cocktails with its sugary mixers can easily pile on at least 1000 or more calories a night. You should also know that alcohol is an appetite stimulant. So don't be surprised if you feel hungry after a night of partying. Of course this leads to additional calories into your body that you don't need. If you are focusing on building muscle, excessive alcohol lowers your testosterone and increases cortisol levels (stress hormone) thereby reducing your body's ability to build muscle effectively.

With so many disadvantages to your fat loss goals, do you still need another reason not to drink?

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Ear Waxing and Ear Wax Removal Home Remedy

Ear waxing and ear wax removal home remedy treatments are simple treatments to treat the discomfort caused by problem wax. Problems such as hearing loss, pain and coughs.

Even a small amount of wax, wedged between the eardrum and ear canal wall can cause hearing loss from minor hearing loss to total deafness. Very hard Compacted earwax can cause earache by putting pressure on sensitive ear canal walls and ear drum. The ear also shares some of the same nerves as the throat, so an ear problem can cause discomfort in the throat, which could then lead to coughing.

What is Wax?

It is a sticky liquid secreted by the cerumen glands in the ear. This sticky substance is full of antibacterial and antifungal properties and it's in your body to cleanse, hydrate and protect the ear canal.

If any foreign substances tries to invade your ear it traps it. Anything that flies, crawls or is blown into the ear canal can only travel in to the ear a very small way. The ear canal is also self-cleaning ejecting any foreign bodies.

From time to time some people do have problems with wax in their ears. It is then that people ask, "Which is the best home remedy treatment?

We have all been told to never put anything in our ears but lots of people use Q-tips to alleviate ear problems and symptoms. Ear buds are safe if used correctly and are safe to wipe the outer parts of the ear. But deeper use is potentially risky for 3 reasons.

First, there is a tendency to pack the ear wax down, which can cause a blockage.
Second, you can damage the eardrum if the probe is inserted too deeply.
Finally, if you cause a skin abrasion of the ear canal, it can lead to infection.

If you look to a doctor or nurse for help they will attempt to remove the problem wax by spraying hot water into the ear canal to wash out the wax. Or the may use some sort of suction to draw the wax out. As a last resort they will try to scoop the wax out with different medical instruments.

Many people prefer over the counter wax removal remedies using some kind of irrigation system. A popular method is using a solution containing hydrogen peroxide or similar chemicals. These soften the ear wax.

Hydrogen Peroxide

This is said to be the safest and easiest of all the ear waxing treatments. This ear wax removal home remedy takes just three-steps.

The first step is to place three or four drops of hydrogen peroxide in your ear every two or three days for a week.

The next step is after a week flush out the dissolved wax, by using a small bulb syringe filled with warm water. Gently squeeze water into the infected ear while tilting your head to let the water and wax run out.

The final step is to soak a small cotton wool plug with rubbing alcohol and then place it into the ear, letting it run down the ear canal. Finally, angle your head to let the fluid drain out. This will dry out the ear canal. This is said to be one of the most effective and safest ear wax removal home remedies.

Most home treatments, such as the one above and those below are very safe and highly effective. However, people with a history of middle ear infections, swimmer's ear, or a hole in the eardrum shouldn't use these remedies.

An Apple Cider vinegar-water-peroxide solution can be heated to your body temperature. Then drip it into your ear canal to soften the hard wax.Over a week or two your condition should be alleviated.

Ear Waxing candles and waxing cones have become popular recently in the west. This treatment has been used in the east for generations.And here is how it works.

You place the candle or cone into your ear canal and light it. The burning cone or candle cause a vacuum that draws the problem wax up and out of the ear canal.

Ear waxing and ear wax removal home remedy treatments are simple treatments to treat the discomfort caused. There is no need to suffer from ear wax problems.

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                    Home Remedies to Remove Earwax video

Lose Belly Fat Faster With These 4 Herbs & Spices

In this article I would like to talk about 4 powerful spices and herbs that you should add to your diet to help lose belly fat faster.

To lose weight, lose belly fat, gain lean muscle, and improve your overall health, it is obviously very important to make sure you are getting plenty of water daily, plenty of sleep every night, exercising (cardio + weight training), eat several small meals daily, and eat the proper foods. The proper foods in general categories would be fiber, complex carbohydrates, fruits & veggies, protein, and healthy fats. However, to amp up those foods for an even more powerful belly fat burning effect, you should add these 4 herbs and spices a long with some of your foods.

Here are the 4 herbs & spices in no particular order:

1. Ginger: Causes your tissues to use more energy thus burning more calories. Ginger is also good for improving joint functionality, controlling cholesterol, and several other health conditions.

2. Cinnamon: Mm mm! I do not eat one bowl of oatmeal without adding cinnamon! Studies have shown that cinnamon has a positive effect on your blood sugar level. It also is a great source of fiber and calcium which are highly important in your efforts to lose weight and build muscle. Here is a little tip. Now this may take some getting used to, but, to substitute sugar in your coffee, try adding one teaspoon of cinnamon instead. Your coffee may not have that sweet flavor you were used to, however, cinnamon will remove the bitter taste of plain coffee and you are reducing your sugar intake.

3. Cayenne Pepper: I love cayenne pepper on grilled chicken! Studies have indicated that cayenne pepper (also known as chili pepper, red pepper, or paprika) has the ability to boost your metabolism to burn off fat. It is also proven that cayenne pepper can also help in reducing your appetite. It is recommended to get about 20-30 grams a day for maximum benefits.

4. Ginseng: A powerful substance that can increase energy, boost your metabolism, increase strength, and increase endurance. This substance is highly recommended for people who are overweight and suffer from excessive water weight. Ginseng can also be used as a remedy for several other health conditions such as high blood pressure and so much more.

Add those spices to your current health foods and experience an extra boost in how quickly you can lose belly fat, lose weight, and improve your complete overall health!

I wish you the best of success in getting yourself in better health! Good Luck!

Article Source: 

Herbs for Health - The Top 10 Super Fat Burning Herbs and Spices for Weight Loss

In this article we're going to show you a few spices that you can use to make plenty of healthy dishes and aid in fat and weight loss. Spices can be a very powerful protection against many common diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and overall aging.

Not only do herbs and spices add tons of extra flavor to our foods, they also boost the natural antioxidants, phytonutrients, and anti-inflammatory power of the food itself. You can now lose those unwanted pounds and regain your energy, mobility, and vitality the tasty way!

1. Arrowroot Flour

Arrowroot can be used in making hot sauces, puddings, jellies, beef tea, biscuits, cakes, milk, or the veal broth found in noodles from Korean and Vietnamese cuisines It is also a easily digestible food if you have dietary restrictions.

2. Basil

Basil is a fresh herb that is commonly used in cooking recipes. It is usually added as a last minute touch up to restore the flavors of your food when cooking. You will see basil in foods like the Italian oil-and-herb sauce pesto.

3. Bay Leaf

Bay leaves are used in many of the seafood, soups, meats, stews, and vegetable dishes you find in European cuisines. You will also find it in biryaniand other rich, spicy dishes.

4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a small tree that grows in Egypt, Brazil, India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, and Indonesia. One of the main benefits of cinnamon is that not only will it help you get leaner by controlling the blood sugar levels in your body, but you can improve your energy, vitality, and circulation from it.

5. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne is the key ingredient in many of the hot sauces we use today. This spice raises your metabolism, which helps you burn fat faster. It also helps prevent heart attacks and strokes by reducing triglyceride levels, LDL blood cholesterol, and decreasing the formation of dangerous blood clots.

6. Chives

Chives, when finely chopped and consumed with food, are said to aid digestion, help the respiratory system, and help the body in digesting fatty foods.

7. Rosemary

Rosemary has a special ingredient that strengthens the immune system, improves memory, concentration, circulation and lifts depression. Rosemary also helps prevent fight and prevent cancer, as well. Rosemary has been highly recommended for cases of chest congestion, asthma, and respiratory infections.

8. Ginger

This powerful herb has been shown to have over 25 different antioxidants, which makes it very effective at fighting free radicals in many different body systems. It can be useful in the treatment of everything from cancer, migraines, nausea, vomiting, sore throats, colds, flu and motion sickness. Because of the strong anti-inflammatory of ginger, it has also been used in reducing muscle aches, cholesterol, and preventing strokes and heart disease.

9. Oregano

This herb is well known for it's its nutritional, anti-oxidants, and disease preventing properties. It has been useful in treating inflammation, internal or external, and offering relief from allergies, aches and pain, without side effects.

10. Thyme

Thyme's is well known and effective for treating sore throats, chest congestion, bronchitis, laryngitis, and asthma. Thyme also boosts the amount of DHA (an important ingredient in omega 3 fatty acids) in the brain, heart and kidney cells.

Here is a list of more spices that can aid in weight loss and good health:

. Chives
. Cilantro
. Cloves
. Coriander
. Cream of Tartar
. Cumin Seed
. Curry Powder
. Dill Seed
. Dulse
. Licorice Root
. Mustard/Dry Powder
. Paprika
. Parsley
. Peppermint
. Saffron
. Sage/Ground
. Savory/Ground
. Spearmint
. Tarragon
. Turmeric

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3 Most Effective Natural Colon Cleanse Recipes

Having a healthy colon is very important that is why we all need to give value to colon cleansing. The colon is one of the areas in the body specifically in the digestive system which is mostly exposed to toxins. It is where all the food remnants from what we end passes through. When these food residues reach the colon, they are full of toxins because all the nutrients have already been absorbed by the digestive tract.

Sometimes, not all of the toxins come out of the body through bowel movement. They may sometimes be trapped inside the colon walls resulting to digestive damage. In some cases, it can even result to cancer. We can prevent this by cleansing our colon and the best way is to do the cleansing naturally. There are some effective natural colon cleanse recipes that will help us flush the toxins out of our digestive system.

Below are the 3 most effective natural colon cleanse recipes:

1. One of the mostly used colon cleanse is the White Sultana Raisins recipe. All you need to do is prepare about 200 grams of white sultana raisins with Rose Hips extract and Senna. Add the white sultana raisins into a liter of water together with the other ingredients. Infuse the mixture for at least ½ hour and then filter the liquid. Pour the liquid mixture into a bottle and then boil it in a pot. Let it cool for about half an hour and then drink 100 ml from it every evening before going to bed for 16 days. You might want to consult your doctor first before trying this out. Make sure that you do not have any allergies with the ingredients to avoid complications.

2. The second most effective natural colon cleanse recipe is a mixture of plums, honey apple cider vinegar and tamarind jam. For this, we are going to need 5 kg of ripe plum together with 400 mg honey, 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp tamarind jam. Pour the pitted plums into a huge container. Heat water in the pot. Once the water is boiling, add in the ingredients. Boil it until the ingredients are mixed. Continually stir the mixture until cooked. After cooling it, pour the solution into several bottles. Eat 1 tsbp of the jam every morning with an empty stomach. This will help cleanse your digestive tract and to soften the hardened stools.

3. The third recipe is made from tea. This is probably the most effective natural colon cleanse recipe and also the easiest to make. You just need to boil two cloves, crushed ginger and 200 ml of water in a pot. You can add honey and basil leaves to add taste. After the tea has been boiled, cool it and then drink it just like a regular coffee. That will help the gastrointestinal tract be cleaned out.

These recipes are only recommended to people who do not have any allergy with the said ingredients. This is to make sure that you will succeed in the cleansing of your colon.

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Don't Neglect Your Neck

Body builders and fitness enthusiasts alike often disregard exercising the neck. Some even believe that a strong neck might look too masculine or make their head or shoulders appear too small. In both a practical and cosmetic sense, a strong neck encourages proper posture and protects the head from shock and trauma. But, the function of healthy neck muscles go beyond good looks and protecting the body against injuries.

A healthy, flexible neck allows free circulation to the head, which includes the brain along with the pituitary, pineal and thyroid glands. These endocrine glands directly affect sleep, creativity, metabolism and higher awareness. Circulation in the neck affects the eyes as well. So adding some neck fitness into your day is a good practice. This can take place first thing in the morning or when you find yourself tired behind your desk. It can be as simple as nodding your head forward and backward (like saying "Yes, I will keep exercising and treating myself right!"). And looking left to right (like saying NO to greasy French fries and too many pastries).

Just watch many athletes before they enter the playing field, home plate or boxing ring. They are usually rolling their shoulders and neck to loosen themselves up. You can do the same thing before an athletic competition, writing an exam, giving a presentation or attending an important meeting. When your neck is relaxed, the rest of your body follows suit.

While you might not need the neck strength of a professional athlete, neck-stretching and strengthening exercises will improve circulation and muscle tone and decrease tension. (Remember to consult your health professional before starting any exercise program.)

Two simple neck toners that you can feel almost immediately are as follows:


1. Sit upright on a chair with your left hand firmly gripping the bottom of your chair.

2. With your right hand, reach over top of your head to the left side of your head.

3. Then, with your right hand gently pull against the side of your head, while you resist the pressure using your neck muscles. Hold for 7 seconds and then relax.

4. Then, while still gripping the chair with your left arm, gently pull your head,, while pulling your right ear towards your right shoulder.

You should feel the stretch along the left side of your neck. Hold for 7 seconds and relax.

5. Repeat for the right side of your neck. G-e-n-t-l-y work up to three sets.

The isometric tension helps release tension before the stretching phase of the movement. This exercise is great for office workers or drivers who spend long hours sitting and building up tension in their necks and upper backs.


Lie on your back, on a couch or bed, with your head hanging over the edge.

Gently, let your head roll back.

Keeping tension on your neck muscles, gently bring your head forward to try to touch your chin to your chest.

Repeat five to ten times, slowly and gently.

This is a nice way to tone up the area under the chin while strengthening the neck. You can also let your head hand over the edge of the bed and feel the renewed circulation and relaxation through your eyes, face and neck.

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Eating Healthier - What Are Whole Grains?

What are whole grains? They are the whole seeds of plants, and can usually be sprouted, unlike refined grains. An entire seed is comprised of three parts: the bran, which serves as a protective outer shell, and is rich in fiber, B vitamins and trace minerals; the germ, which nourishes the seed, and contains vitamins B and E; and the endosperm, which contains carbohydrates, protein and some B vitamins.

Refined grains, on the other hand, contain only the endosperm: they have gone through a
milling process to remove the bran and germ, meaning they aren't as healthy. It is good practice to eat non-milled grains whenever possible; the rewards for doing so are substantial. When unrefined, grains can lower the risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. They are also rich in fiber, which aids in regular bowel movement, and teeming with antioxidants for overall health.

Unrefined grains can also act as an aid in establishing healthy eating patterns and encourage weight loss. As whole seeds are very high in fiber, they will make a person feel fuller sooner, so a person will not eat as much. High fiber foods also leave one feeling fuller longer, so that a person will have less of an urge to snack between meals.

There are many different kinds of unrefined grains. A short list includes oatmeal, millet, quinoa, brown and wild rice, barley, popcorn, whole wheat, and bulgur (or cracked wheat).

To determine whether something contains refined or unrefined grains in it, check the ingredients. If it says 'whole' and is listed as a primary ingredient, it is very likely that the grain is unrefined. Check the nutritional information, too; if there is a high fiber content, chances are it is a whole grain.

What are whole grains? They are, in short, an easy and delicious way to live a more nutritious life.

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Importance of a Healthy and Balanced Diet


There is a saying that "Health is Wealth". Health is the most precious of all the things in life. If we lose our health then we lose everything. Neither is there any enjoyment nor there is any chance of earning our livelihood properly if our health is deteriorated.

To keep ourselves healthy, the most important thing we need is nutrition. This nutrition and nourishment is derived from a Healthy and a balanced diet. A balanced diet is still a major problem in many developing countries. The people who are economically weak are deprived of balanced diet. In developed countries there is the problem of over nourishment leading to obesity which is a major cause of heart diseases. Heart diseases are the major cause of death in the developed western countries. So, we can say that a balanced diet is needed for every person irrespective of his or her financial or social background. The diet should neither be in excess nor less.


The energy requirements for different activities of a normal person of 70 kg weight are:

Sitting quietly: 25 cal/hr
Standing quietly: 30 cal/hr
Writing/Eating/Reading: 30 cal/hr
Car Driving: 60 cal/hr
Typing: 75 cal/hr
Household work (Dish washing): 80 cal/hr
Walking (slow): 130 cal/hr
Cycling (slow): 150 cal/hr
Running (moderate): 500 cal/hr
Swimming: 600 cal/hr
Walking Upstairs: 800 cal/hr


A balanced diet or a prudent diet is defined as the diet which contains different types of foods, possessing the nutrients carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals in a proportion to meet the nutritional requirements of the body. A balanced diet supplies a little more than the required amount of nutrition so as to withstand the short duration of leanness and keep the body in good health.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance of important nutrients for an adult man of 70 kg are:

Carbohydrates: 400g
Fats: 70g
Proteins: 56g
Essential Fatty acids: 4g
Vitamin A: 1000 micro gram
Vitamin D: 5 micro gram
Vitamin E: 10 micro gram
Vitamin K: 70 micro gram
Vitamin C: 60 mg (milligram)
Calcium: 800 mg
Phosphorus: 800 mg
Iron: 10 mg


The balanced diet is needed for maintaining good health. Without this there is development of several deficiency and nutritional disorders. The most common nutritional disorders are Kwashiorkor and Marasmus. The common vitamin deficiency diseases are:

Vitamin A: Xeropthalmia and Night Blindness
Vitamin B: Beri Beri
Vitamin C: Scurvy or Bleeders Disease
Vitamin D: Rickets in children and Osteomalacia in adults
Vitamin E: No specific Disease
Vitamin K: Blood Clotting time is increased

The different components of Vitamin B cause different deficiency symptoms, such as folic acid and cobalamin are needed for RBC and Haemoglobin synthesis. Lack of which causes Anaemia. Niacin deficiency causes Pellagra. Riboflavin deficiency causes cheliosis, glossitis and dermatitis. Pyridoxine deficiency produces neurological symptoms like irritability, nervousness and mental confusion. Biotin deficiency produces anaemia, loss of appetite, nausea, dermatitis,glossitis, depression, halluncination, muscle pain, etc. Pantothenic acid deficiency produces Burning Feet Syndrome.


A healthy and Balanced diet plays an important role in maintaining good health and so, we should choose our recipes keeping that in mind.

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Friday 24 July 2015

Help for Headaches.

Some headache sufferers swear by a brisk walk in the cold air to clear their heads. For others, this would be a trigger to bring on a humdinger that would fell an elephant. Some leap into a hot shower at the first sign of a headache. For others, this would be just the thing to bring one on.

Both hot and cold treatments can be hugely effective with bringing relief from headaches. Some people prefer hot, some cold and some like to alternate. This is such an individual thing. You have to cautiously experiment and find out what works for you.
Why do hot and cold work so well?
It's all to do with the muscles and the blood vessels. Many headache pains are caused by enlarged blood vessels pressing on surrounding nerves. Applying something cold to the area can help to constrict those vessels, reducing their diameter and lessening the pounding headache.
Some headaches are caused by tension and anxiety. This tightens up the muscles which then pinch nerves and enlarge blood vessels. Applying cold or heat to them (or alternating between the two) can loosen them up, releasing the pinched nerves and calming down the blood vessels.
Diversion tactics
Another great way to use get rid of a headache is to sit and soak your feet and ankles in a bowl or bucket of hot water. This works because the heat dilates, or enlarges the blood vessels in your feet and legs and helps to draw the blood away from the head. This releases pressure and calms the headache.
You may find this even more effective if you apply cold to your forehead and temples at the same time. This is because it will stop the heat from the foot-bath heating up your head as well - which is what we're trying to avoid. When you're finished, put on some thick, fluffy socks, to keep your feet warm and keep the blood flow diverting away from your head.
Note of caution
If you don't own a cold pack - or you are trying out the different variations before investing in one, be careful how you apply cold.
A bag of frozen peas is ideal as it has a soothing weight to it and it molds to your face, neck or head. Be sure to wrap it in a cloth or thin towel to avoid getting 'freezer burn' on your skin. If you're making your own pack from ice cubes, put them in a strong plastic bag and then wrap in a towel as before.
In either case, don't leave the cold pack on for more than half an hour. You can always apply it again after a short rest.
Cool your brain with ice cream!
You know that piercing headache that you get when you eat an ice cream? Some people call it 'brain freeze'. It's not very comfortable but only lasts for a short time and is a great way to cool your brain down. It can stop a bad headache and can prevent a migraine developing further by cooling down the hypothalamus of your brain. This area is thought to be involved with the creation of migraines.

Got your ice cream ready? Put a spoonful of ice cream right into the back of your mouth. Keep it there with your tongue until it melts. If it becomes uncomfortable you'll have to swallow it and try again.
What is the best hot or cold pack to buy?
If you've decided to go for a hot, or cold pack, or both so that you can alternate, there are many to choose from. They range from simple stick-on cold forehead patches, to squashy rectangular packs and fully fitted masks. Take some time to decide which will be best for you.
I'm too busy to stop and apply a pack. What can I do?
 This is a common problem for full-time workers and moms at home with small children. But remember, this is a damage limitation exercise. If that headache or migraine gets a grip, you will be out of action, no matter how busy you are. There are cold packs available in the form of a band that you wear around your forehead and temples. They fasten with velcro, so you can put it on...and carry on.
My neck and shoulders are so tight and giving me a headache
Try a moist heat neck wrap. It may help to relieve that tension.
My headache is from dental problems or TMJ
Try a cold wrap that sits under your chin and fastens over the top of your head.
My whole head is throbbing and hot. Help!
Invest in a cooling ice pillow. These are also great for menopausal women or those on tamoxifen, who suffer from hot flashes and night sweats.

Thursday 23 July 2015

Cardio For Fat Loss

The wellness industry has become big business. There are all kinds of supplements and remedies being advertised as miracle weight-loss drugs. The truth is none of the weight lost this way is sustainable. Gaining weight is based on a few factors. Lifestyle, diet, and genetics. Perform an honest assessment in these three areas to determine where adjustments need to be made in order to lose weight. Increased metabolism is something you are born with, but if you live a sedentary lifestyle and have a poor diet, you will eventually gain weight. Living an active lifestyle can sometimes lead to a poor diet which can affect the rate of weight gain or loss. Dieting alone may allow you to shed a few pounds but if their isn't a lifestyle change, those pounds may come creeping back.

Being careful about the fuel we feed our body makes a huge difference in how quickly we reach our weight-loss goals. In addition to changing what we eat, a disciplined work out routine is necessary. The three C's of losing weight are cardio, calories and consistency. Doing cardio will help burn fat while counting calories makes sure we do not consume more than we burn off. With anything in life, consistency is the key to success. Burn the fat before starting weight training program, you will build muscle under the fat. Being consistent in your work out and dietary adjustment will guarantee the results your want to see.

The human body is an amazing machine. It picks up on routines and adjusts accordingly. This process is called muscle memory. Being consistent in doing cardio is necessary but we have to remember not to get caught up in exercise routines. For example: running on the treadmill for 30 minutes everyday at 5 mile per hour may only work for one month or so. After a month, your body will adjust to this routine and you will burn fewer calories. Try increasing the time you are running or increasing the speed.

Five Things to Speed Up Your Fat Loss

1. Running is good for you, but not every day.

Running every day is hard on your joints whether it is outside, on pavement, or on a treadmill. Mix up your cardio routine with other cardio exercises.

2. Interval training is good for you.

On the treadmill, elliptical or bicycle, alternate high intensity with low intensity in one minute intervals. As your endurance improves, increase the intensity.

3. Shake things up with incorporating Cardio Blasts into your routine.

Running in place, jumping jacks, jump rope, burpees are all good cardio blast exercises. Blasting for 15 minutes is just as effective as 30 minutes on the treadmill.

4. Add one aerobics class per week

One hour of Zumba can burn 500-1000 calories and Zumba is fun. It gives you a change of scenery as well. We don't want to get bored with our work out routine.

5. Don't forget to stretch.

Stretching is just as important as the workout itself. It prevents injury and increase your athletic abilities. Sports injuries can really stifle your routine because you will have to slow down to recover. An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure.

When trying to shed pounds, start with the three C's: cardio, calories, and consistency. Shed the fat with cardio before diving into weight training. Mix up your cardio routine and remember to stretch.

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Benefits of a Detox Bath

Whenever you think of the detox process, you're probably looking at it from an internal perspective... one where you give your organs a boost by clearing out toxins and feeding yourself plenty of much-needed vitamins and minerals.

But you shouldn't forget about your largest organ - your skin. It's one you have to nurture from both an internal and external perspective, and a detox bath can help you detoxify your body in a way that nutrition can't.

So Consider Trying A Detox Bath Using...

Essential Oils. The use of essential oils work wonders in your bath. If you're feeling drained of energy, but still need to cook dinner, spend time with your family, and maybe get something else done, then you can use peppermint oils in your bath.

If the opposite is true and you want to drift off to sleep soon, try lavender, or other oils that create a soothing environment, as opposed to those that energize you more throughout the day.

Apple Cider Vinegar. If your body is suffering from inflammation, you might want to try a detox bath with apple cider vinegar. This is great if yeast is an issue in your life. This, as well as Epsom salts, can help ease the painful swelling in your body.

Sea Salt. Sea salt and baking soda is great for those who have a lot of exposure to environmental toxins. It's a detox bath that will help induce sleep, too, so do it when you want a relaxing bath in the evening.

Three Quick Tips...

Keep in mind that many people who take these types of baths make sure to use a chlorine filter whenever they take one for the purpose of improved health.
Depending on the kind of detoxification bath you use, you probably want the water as hot as you can comfortably stand it, to open up the pores and allow the toxins out, while letting the minerals in.
Every bath should end with the replenishment of water to your system. Some people like to drink water while in the bath, while others prefer to wait until the detox bath has been completed.
Clear Out Toxins. Pamper Your Skin. Stress Less.

In addition to toxins that can accumulate in your system, stress hormones wreak havoc on your body and mind. A good detox bath is definitely one way to rid stress from your life. So treat yourself to a relaxing bath that can help restore skin health and bring much-needed peace and calm to your day.

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Herbs are natural and some of them can be beneficial for weight loss. Earlier, people were not bothered much about getting fat, as they use to eat natural food such as raw vegetables and fruits. From the time, people started having processed foods and lead a life that lacks physical movement, they have started gaining weight. Even today, if you talk to nutritionists about losing weight, they will guide you to eat herbs, natural food along with exercise that helps them in losing weight. Knowing about these herbal medicines are not enough, one needs to take a step towards weight loss by involving these medicines in their daily routine. Let us read about herbal vitamins for weight loss below.

Garcinia cambogia extract

It is a small fruit available in Indonesia, India, southeast Asia, and west and central Africa. The HCA extract from this fruit have magical benefits of people who want to lose weight. It helps in blocking fat and suppressing appetite. It burns fat quickly, promotes fat metabolism, lowers bad cholesterol and helps in natural weight loss. It is the best ingredient found which has helped many in losing weight.

Brazilian trim

Brazilian trim diet pills are designed to reduce cravings, increase energy levels, break fat deposits, and boost metabolic function. It also helps in blocking fat and carbohydrate absorption. The ingredients include vitamin B6, Yerba mate bark, green tea leaf extract, guarana seed, white willow bark, and many more herbs that help in quick weight loss.

Green Coffee beans

Green coffee beans are the coffee beans that have not been roasted. Roasting beans destroy the cholorgenic acid. The natural compound chlorogenic acid is the active weight loss compound, which helps in natural weight loss.


Phenamax is an amazing herbal medicine, which is made from green tea and other natural ingredients. It is made for quick weight loss result. It contains antioxidants that help in preventing the growth of cancer cells in the body. The ingredients used in Phenamax tablets include hordenine, acacia gum, white willow bark and many other herbs.

People, who are looking forward to get in shape, can easily buy Brazilian trim online or green coffee, phenamax and garcinia cambogia extract online. The company delivers the medicine at your doorstep and helps one to lead a healthy lifestyle. These medicines do not have any side effect on the body and helps one to lead an improved life.

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