Saturday 25 July 2015

3 Most Effective Natural Colon Cleanse Recipes

Having a healthy colon is very important that is why we all need to give value to colon cleansing. The colon is one of the areas in the body specifically in the digestive system which is mostly exposed to toxins. It is where all the food remnants from what we end passes through. When these food residues reach the colon, they are full of toxins because all the nutrients have already been absorbed by the digestive tract.

Sometimes, not all of the toxins come out of the body through bowel movement. They may sometimes be trapped inside the colon walls resulting to digestive damage. In some cases, it can even result to cancer. We can prevent this by cleansing our colon and the best way is to do the cleansing naturally. There are some effective natural colon cleanse recipes that will help us flush the toxins out of our digestive system.

Below are the 3 most effective natural colon cleanse recipes:

1. One of the mostly used colon cleanse is the White Sultana Raisins recipe. All you need to do is prepare about 200 grams of white sultana raisins with Rose Hips extract and Senna. Add the white sultana raisins into a liter of water together with the other ingredients. Infuse the mixture for at least ½ hour and then filter the liquid. Pour the liquid mixture into a bottle and then boil it in a pot. Let it cool for about half an hour and then drink 100 ml from it every evening before going to bed for 16 days. You might want to consult your doctor first before trying this out. Make sure that you do not have any allergies with the ingredients to avoid complications.

2. The second most effective natural colon cleanse recipe is a mixture of plums, honey apple cider vinegar and tamarind jam. For this, we are going to need 5 kg of ripe plum together with 400 mg honey, 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp tamarind jam. Pour the pitted plums into a huge container. Heat water in the pot. Once the water is boiling, add in the ingredients. Boil it until the ingredients are mixed. Continually stir the mixture until cooked. After cooling it, pour the solution into several bottles. Eat 1 tsbp of the jam every morning with an empty stomach. This will help cleanse your digestive tract and to soften the hardened stools.

3. The third recipe is made from tea. This is probably the most effective natural colon cleanse recipe and also the easiest to make. You just need to boil two cloves, crushed ginger and 200 ml of water in a pot. You can add honey and basil leaves to add taste. After the tea has been boiled, cool it and then drink it just like a regular coffee. That will help the gastrointestinal tract be cleaned out.

These recipes are only recommended to people who do not have any allergy with the said ingredients. This is to make sure that you will succeed in the cleansing of your colon.

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