Saturday 25 July 2015

Importance of a Healthy and Balanced Diet


There is a saying that "Health is Wealth". Health is the most precious of all the things in life. If we lose our health then we lose everything. Neither is there any enjoyment nor there is any chance of earning our livelihood properly if our health is deteriorated.

To keep ourselves healthy, the most important thing we need is nutrition. This nutrition and nourishment is derived from a Healthy and a balanced diet. A balanced diet is still a major problem in many developing countries. The people who are economically weak are deprived of balanced diet. In developed countries there is the problem of over nourishment leading to obesity which is a major cause of heart diseases. Heart diseases are the major cause of death in the developed western countries. So, we can say that a balanced diet is needed for every person irrespective of his or her financial or social background. The diet should neither be in excess nor less.


The energy requirements for different activities of a normal person of 70 kg weight are:

Sitting quietly: 25 cal/hr
Standing quietly: 30 cal/hr
Writing/Eating/Reading: 30 cal/hr
Car Driving: 60 cal/hr
Typing: 75 cal/hr
Household work (Dish washing): 80 cal/hr
Walking (slow): 130 cal/hr
Cycling (slow): 150 cal/hr
Running (moderate): 500 cal/hr
Swimming: 600 cal/hr
Walking Upstairs: 800 cal/hr


A balanced diet or a prudent diet is defined as the diet which contains different types of foods, possessing the nutrients carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals in a proportion to meet the nutritional requirements of the body. A balanced diet supplies a little more than the required amount of nutrition so as to withstand the short duration of leanness and keep the body in good health.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance of important nutrients for an adult man of 70 kg are:

Carbohydrates: 400g
Fats: 70g
Proteins: 56g
Essential Fatty acids: 4g
Vitamin A: 1000 micro gram
Vitamin D: 5 micro gram
Vitamin E: 10 micro gram
Vitamin K: 70 micro gram
Vitamin C: 60 mg (milligram)
Calcium: 800 mg
Phosphorus: 800 mg
Iron: 10 mg


The balanced diet is needed for maintaining good health. Without this there is development of several deficiency and nutritional disorders. The most common nutritional disorders are Kwashiorkor and Marasmus. The common vitamin deficiency diseases are:

Vitamin A: Xeropthalmia and Night Blindness
Vitamin B: Beri Beri
Vitamin C: Scurvy or Bleeders Disease
Vitamin D: Rickets in children and Osteomalacia in adults
Vitamin E: No specific Disease
Vitamin K: Blood Clotting time is increased

The different components of Vitamin B cause different deficiency symptoms, such as folic acid and cobalamin are needed for RBC and Haemoglobin synthesis. Lack of which causes Anaemia. Niacin deficiency causes Pellagra. Riboflavin deficiency causes cheliosis, glossitis and dermatitis. Pyridoxine deficiency produces neurological symptoms like irritability, nervousness and mental confusion. Biotin deficiency produces anaemia, loss of appetite, nausea, dermatitis,glossitis, depression, halluncination, muscle pain, etc. Pantothenic acid deficiency produces Burning Feet Syndrome.


A healthy and Balanced diet plays an important role in maintaining good health and so, we should choose our recipes keeping that in mind.

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